Friday, May 23, 2008

Update on Friends

Well this week's blog, I thought I would give an update on some of our FCC friends...
  1. Luke Mann is safely on his short term mission trip to Ireland. You can actually read about their work and keep up with his team by going the their Mission 2008 Blog at There will be pictures and regular updates on Luke's trip. Please pray for him.
  2. This past week I was able to chat with Ricky Nyhoff (China) and Callie Fleming (Korea). It was so good to hear that they are doing well. Ricky was no where near the earthquake and China and is safe. They are both coming home this summer and we will be able to hear about their work on Sunday morning this summer. Ricky will be going back in August for another year of teaching in China. Please continue to pray for these two as well as Nick Centanni (Korea).
  3. Steven Curtis Chapman lost his five year old adopted daughter to a tragic accident this week. Although I don't personally know Steven, he's been my friend and encourager for along time with his music. I hurt for him and his family, but am so grateful that there are outlets to express support, and build the Kingdom! I wanted to share this site with you and you can do as the Lord leads you:

May you stay focused on the Kingdom: holding the ropes for others, and looking for ways to get involved yourself.

Have a great weekend!

Pastor Mike

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