Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cyclones and Earthquakes

Can you make a difference? It is overwhelming to think about nearly 100,000 dead in Myanmar due to a cyclone and 18,000 dead in China due to an earthquake. That's a lot of people!! More are displaced and in need of medical attention and their are new opportunities for sharing the gospel. I was reading a secular source about how US aid is finally beginning to get through:


and then, it was good to read about Franklin Graham's effort through Samaritan's Purse. You can get a report and see pictures at:


Then I read about what Southern Baptists are doing at this site:


When we are overwhelmed by the world's needs we tend to shut down because we just really don't believe we can make a difference, or we get cynical because we aren't sure the help will actually get there (a legitimate concern). I'm reminded of an old story and I found a version of it on the internet:

Two men were walking toward each other on an otherwise deserted beach. One man was in his early 20s, the other obviously much older. The smooth damp sand was littered with starfish, washed onto the land during high tide. They were stranded there when the tide ebbed. Thousands of starfish were doomed to die in the warm morning sun. The younger man watched the older man pick up starfish one at a time and toss them back into the ocean, giving them a chance to survive. The young man thought, “Why is he doing that? How foolish. He can’t save them all.” As they came near one another, the younger one felt compelled to point out to the older man the futility in his action. “You know,” he said, “you can’t save them all. Most of them will die here on the sand. What you are doing really won’t make any difference.” The older man studied the young man for a moment. Then he bent down, picked up a starfish and tossed it into the water. He smiled at the young man and said, “It made a difference to that one.” Then he walked on, picking up starfish and tossing them back into the sea.

We can make a difference with one, two or more! If you would like to give to Myanmar relief you can give to one of the agencies listed in this blog or give through our church and we will do our best to give in the best channel possible to help as many people as possible. If you give through FCC, make sure you indicate "Myanmar Relief" on the check.

We can make a difference!

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