Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas 2008

It's amazing how folks responded the last couple of months in sharing God's love with others...we collected 106 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes and 120 Thanksgiving Food Baskets! You can also read about the Kingdom Assignments reports that have been turned in at:

As we approach Christmas there are several other opportunities to share the love of Christ this season:

1. Men's Winter coats - The BSU took a Fall Break mission trip to "Shine in the Dark" ministry in Memphis and will be returning January 7-10. One of the primary ministries of Shine in the Dark is giving out clothes to the homeless, while sharing the Gospel and minstry tracts. They have asked FCC if we could collect winter coats, gloves, or hats. There will be a box in the church foyer.

2. Monticello Christmas - All 7 churches that share in the Monticello House ministry will come together to do a Christmas program and party. The party will be 2:00 pm on Sunday, December 14. In addition to this date, our church will be going back to Monticello on December 28th at 2:00 pm.

3. Shining Light Christmas - We will leave after the 10:30 service on Sunday, December 21 for the Shining Light Outreach Center in Charleston. Shining Light is an inner city ministry. The kids from Shining Light will do a Christmas Cantata...we will serve a meal and deliver a Christmas bag of candy. Items needed will be candy and dinner items. You can drop the candy off at the church and sign-up to help with the meal at the bulletin board at church.

4. We will be giving away some Christmas hams again this year. If you are interested in purchasing a ham for someone in need, the hams are $10. You can indicate on your envelope "Christmas Hams."

5. Give to Missions. Christmas time is a great time to give to missions. You can give to mission through FCC...just indicate it on your offering envelope. It is a Christmas gift for Jesus that is used to spread great tidings of great joy to all people! We will have a time for missions each worship service in December.

6. Support the FCC Mission Team to El Salvador - There are 15 going to El Salvador, December 26-January 1. You can support the team through prayer and financial contributions to the team. You can read more about this trip on a previous post on this blog.

7. Card for military men and women - We will have cards in the foyer for our military men and women who are family or friends of folks at FCC. If you know of any one that should be included, please let us know.

8. Christmas gifts for families - We have a few families that we are helping with Christmas this year...we are doing that primarily through our small groups.

Please pray for all these ministries!!


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